By Nikki Landosky, student
Edited by Mr. Moreland
The time we spent working in the rain forest had its effect on all of us both mentally and physically. In my opinion, it gave me more of an outlook on how people handle things and appreciate what they have. In America, people really have it easy. We have multiple ways of transportation, construction and education while in the rain forest and even parts of the city they don't have any of that. Every day I hear people complaining that they don't have the latest technology or don't get their way with something but after spending a few days with people that have barely anything and helping them build things by hand, I've learned to appreciate things lot more myself.
Another thing I've seen while I was here was the friendliness and hospitality of everyone we've met. Everyone we've worked with and have been around have just been extremely polite and friendly. In the US, it seems that all workers want to do is compete while they work. It doesn't really matter how much work actually gets done in the end, it just matters who looks the best. Meanwhile, while we worked over here, everyone worked together. Sure, we all were completely exhausted and tired out in the end, but it was ll worth it. We cleared out and leveled the place for the teacher's house near the school in Quebrada Arroyo, removed the sewage pipe in La Carpio and so much more.
Overall, I think this trip helped me learn a lot about different things.
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