Monday, June 13, 2011

Excitement & Fear

Tayler Lo'ren Clemm

For the Costa Rica trip I am excited about a lot of things. Im excited to meet so many new people and there cultures. I am anxious to find out how to make a traditional mask. I also want to see the many sites that we will past such as the Central Valley Mountain ranges and the sleepy towns of Atneas and San Mateo de Orotina. Swimming in the beach is one of my main excitements too. I want to see all of the different type of animals as well.

I'm not afraid of too many things from the itinerary besides maybe the zip line and a personal fear, which is the birds. I'm not really looking forward to playing soccer for three days, but I know that I will enjoy it. Experiencing the Mexican restaurant has me nervous about trying the different types of food in Costa Rica as well. I am not looking forward to the last day because I know I will have enjoyed Costa Rica so much.

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about the traditional mask that does sound like a interesting thing to do and see. I'm also nervous about the good because i am a picky eater unfortunately
